Your support is most urgent!

The children in Bangladesh thank you for your continued support!

With two schools, 112 children and 60 mothers enrolled at Hope Arises Schools, we are gaining wonderful momentum to open more schools to assist the most marginalized children. We can all be a catalyst in transforming one life at a time.  With $150 you can educate a child for entire year!

Your donation reaches Hope Arises Schools in Bangladesh in full. All administrative work required to operate the school is provided free of charge by our volunteers in Bangladesh, Finland and the United States. Every dollar and euro donated will reach Bangladesh in full!

Please join us in helping the children in Bangladesh!

Donate today!

Your donation will transform the future of the Bangadeshi children for life!

You have three convenient and localized  donation options: 1) for ease and convenience a credit card and PayPal account based process, 2) for tax benefits an IRS-qualified 501(c)(3) donation process to become eligible to take an income tax charitable deduction and 3) a wire transfer option to our bank account in Finland.

  1. Credit card or PayPal donations 

2) IRS-qualified 501(c)(3) donations

3) Lahjoitukset pankkisiirrolla Suomessa.

Our Impact


Schools established


Student admissions

0 +

Snacks provided

0 +

Health checks provided

Meet our amazing children

Your donation makes a world of difference in our lives!

Holistic approach to achieve concrete social impact

Hope Arises Schools are accredited by the Bangladeshi government, follow the national curriculum and receive learning material from the local board of education. In addition, we take a holistic approach for the well-being of our students. Education is our core service. Proper health care, preventive health education and personal hygiene supplies helps ensure that children will not fall ill and can attend school. A healthy school lunch sends the children home energized and nourished.

Elementary Education

Hope Arises Schools is accredited by the local board of education and provides elementary education according to the Bangladeshi government curriculum. The curriculum also includes liberal arts and basic vocational skills.

Health Care and personal Hygiene Supplies

Hope Arises Schools provides its students and their mothers and siblings periodic health checks, medication, and monthly personal hygiene supplies.


In many Bangladeshi families, children earn their own meals by begging or by child labor. Instead of having to work for their own meal for the day, by providing children with school lunches kids are freed to attend school.

Meet our Dedicated Team

Ilkka Aura

Founder and Chairman of the Board, Hope Arises ry, Finland, Member of the Board, Hope Arises International, Inc.

Paula Aura

Member of the Board, Hope Arises ry, Finland

Beauti Dev

Management Team, Hope Arises Bangladesh


Your donations transform lives every day!